Airway: We're just gonna have to do it, so we need to figure it out
Anyone making emergency transports is going to have to manage an airway. If just a BVM and an oral airway was sufficient for everybody, we could just say stop there. But we can’t extrapolate what may be good enough in a cardiac arrest to what is good enough for living patients. For a 6-7 minute transport time in the middle of a city, you cold get away with it. What if your transport time is 45 minutes and there is no back up? We leave our folks with the least resources, smallest run volume, smallest training budgets, and least chance to access help with no option.
Just because we haven’t doesn’t mean we can’t. So let’s put it out there: if you can intubate, you should be able to do it with paralysis and sedation.
HERE’S THE RE-RECORDED VERSION (I didn’t like the live one)
Audio version
And here’s the live performance (basically the same)